Year: 2022

my two families

My Two Families 

Question  Answer  Evidence
When did Miss Anderson start teaching at the school? She had only just started at the school. 
What did the children have to do for homework? She had given them a diagram of a family tree.
Who are Nicky and Tim? Nicky and Tim are Alex birth parents.
How does Alex feel about being adopted? She feel happy
Why did Alex decide not to talk about Nicky and Tim in front of the class?  She didn’t want everyone to know that she is adopted..
What was different about Karl’s family?  Because was adopted by her aunty and Karl lived in an orphanage for most of his life.
Why did Alex change her mind about sharing her family tree? Because she isn’t the only one who is adopted.
When was Alex adopted? When she was two weeks old.
How are MIss Anderson and Alex alike? Because they are both adopted too.


Big Question

How did Alex’s feelings about being adopted change through the story? Why did her feelings change?
Alex didn’t want to tell everyone about her being adopted but when she heard karls story she felt special to tell the class. When she was done miss Anderson said that she is adopted too and Alex felt extra special.

My friends little brother is adopted


Optional extra

Your Family 

  • Choose Two or more things you would like to share with the group about your family. 
  • It might be the Names of our brothers, sisters, parents, grandparents. It might be a special memory. 
  • Create a drawing to share this information. We will share at our next reading time.